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Family Constellation or Systemic Therapy

What is Family Constellation Therapy

Constellation is a powerful group activity that allows you to see the hidden dynamics that are troubling you in your life. It approaches the problems you are facing as systems that can be understood via their parts.

Why Join a group session?

Constellations reveal profound and significant insights that help you improve your relationships, advance your career, enhance your financial situation, improve health symptoms, increase homeostasis in your body or bring harmony to your life.

A constellation can help by exposing patterns that are blocking your own individual success, growth and potential. 

How does it work?

The principle is based on the phenomenon of proxy “perception”. The “host”, a person constellating, selects participants in the room to represent members of their own social system such as family: mother, father, siblings as well as a person to represent themselves.

These representatives are arranged in the room by the host who then sits down and watches the representatives demonstrate and reveal states of tension, emotional charges, hidden feelings and entanglements that are energetically reflected in the system. This gives the host the opportunity to witness their topic from a new perspective and to identify behaviors that hinder their growth and unlock strengths that may be blocked.

A trained constellation facilitator guides this process on several levels and explains the development to the host and participants if necessary.  

How does it unfold?

With stunning accuracy, the issues, patterns and limiting beliefs within your own system are revealed by watching the representatives play out these dynamics before your eyes.

It shows how these issues and patterns were shaped and used in your own system to limit your potential and happiness in different areas of life.

These insights make it possible to understand a situation or topic more holistically, by seeing it from another perspective and then to engage with it by transforming it in a constructive way to bring a profound healing impact to the host and to the representatives.

It often happens that, within days or weeks, you witness profound changes in you, your family or how others treat you based on the outcomes of the constellation and the depth of the pattern that was revealed. 

Next Constellation days



September 2024


October 2024


November 2024

Lisbon - Portugal

November 2024

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